Written By: Ben Cosgrove

In the early 1950s, right around the time she stole scenes as a pretty young thing driving Jack Lemmon nuts in the oddly titled 1954 comedy, Phffft!, Kim Novak caught the eye of LIFE magazine’s photographers, who were charmed by her talent, her haunting beauty and her determination to be not merely a star, but a genuine actress. Their fascination with the young Novak proved prescient: In the coming years, she would become one of the most accomplished and versatile movie stars of the decade, with credits including The Man With the Golden Arm, Pal Joey and, most notably, Hitchcock’s wholly unsettling masterpiece, Vertigo (1958).

In 1956, as her career was truly taking off, Leonard McCombe photographed Novak for a major cover story. Just 23 years old at the time, the actress was starring in the movie Picnic but was still uncertain of Hollywood and her place in it. Six decades after the peak of her career, LIFE.com reached out to the gracious Ms. Novak (born Marilyn Pauline Novak on Feb. 13, 1933, in Chicago) to find out what it was like to appear so prominently in LIFE at such a young age.

“I hoped to show the world my soul,” Novak told LIFE.com, flashing back to that confusing time. “I believed that fame had found me for a reason that I didn’t quite understand yet, and that LIFE magazine would help to give me a voice. Bottom line, I wanted the world to see that I was not just another Hollywood pretty face or sex symbol but the real McCoy!”

As lovely as McCombe’s March 1956 cover shoot turned out to be, and as flattering and insightful as the story was, Novak admitted feeling disappointed with its direction.

“Looking back,” she said, “I wish I had the opportunity to respond to more real situations. I’ve always been proud to be a reactor rather than an actor. For the cover shot I was handed a matching lavender umbrella, sweater and gloves then told to look into the camera and smile. I wanted a reason to smile, and was not yet a good enough actress to invent one.”

The McCombe photos inside the issue, however, were more accurate representations of what it was really like to be Kim Novak in 1956. For instance, of the photo in this gallery that shows her in a dressing room, breaking down in tears after being asked to model a dress and then merely cue a performance by a costar, Novak says: “I was distraught and even wrote a poem through my tears because I felt taken advantage of in my first major television appearance. I would have preferred it if LIFE used one of those more honest photos for the cover.”

McCombe followed Novak to appearances, fittings and even home to Chicago, but none of the pictures he made in all those weeks with her is more memorable and evocative of that time than the famous, first photograph in this gallery. On a New York-bound train, the stunning young star removes her jacket as several male passengers unabashedly gape. McCombe, Novak said, “captured a special moment in time. I’m pleased to have been the spark that started a fire in the train’s dining car that night.”

During that trip home, Kim known as “Mickey” to her family found that having McCombe capture not only her professional life but also her personal one was almost surreal. “The two worlds were so different,” she recalled, “and I didn’t know how to fit in either one.”

The third image in this gallery, meanwhile, subtly captures the actress’ ambivalence. “In a Beverly Hills restaurant,” read the caption to the photo, “Kim Novak sits with a faraway look as agents Al and Wilt Melnick hotly discuss her blossoming movie career.”

Novak admitted that her expression was not so much a dreamy “faraway look” as one of concern for her future. “I worried, because I was being treated like a commodity, and I didn’t know what to do about it,” she says. “I only knew I didn’t like it.”

While she might not have liked the sometimes brutally commercial aspect of moviemaking, stardom certainly had its perks for instance, as in the seventh photo, where she tried on $12,500 mink rented by studio designer Jean Louis.

“Yes, I loved glamour,” Novak told LIFE.com. “When I put on the gowns of Rita Hayworth, Greta Garbo and Joan Crawford, I felt transformed into someone else. It seemed like I could feel their energy running through my body.”

Of her favorite leading man, Jimmy Stewart, who starred with her in both Bell, Book and Candle and Vertigo, Novak remembered that “he could make me feel like I’d just slipped into my favorite warm fuzzy slippers by taking my hand when a gossip reporter walked on the set. He could make the whole world go away when things got to be too much for me to handle.”

Though she enjoyed much success in Tinseltown, Novak would eventually retire from acting and find fulfillment elsewhere. Married to veterinarian Robert Malloy for more than 40 years (Novak is a lifelong animal lover) and living in Oregon, where she enjoys painting. She has had some tough times—a serious, bone-breaking horse-riding accident in 2006; evidently successful treatment for cancer in 2010; depression and treatment for what she herself called, in a 2012 conversation with TCM’s Robert Osborne, bipolar disorder—but she has come through.

“After Harry Cohn died—he was the head of Columbia Pictures, where I was under contract—the choice of good scripts seemed to die with him,” Novak recalled, explaining her decision to leave the movies behind. “I grew tired of waiting for that good role to find me. I left Hollywood and the life of a movie star to make a path for my artistic desires without the handicap of false expectations. Today, when I’m not riding my horse in the mountains of Oregon, I’m painting the life around me, the life that I love. I am content.”

Liz Ronk edited this gallery for LIFE.com. Follow her on Twitter @lizabethronk.

Kim Novak 1956

Kim Novak captured the attention of the men in the dining car on a train bound for New York.

Leonard McCombe The LIFE Images Collection/Shutterstock

Eyes right is executed with almost military precision by dining car males aboard New York-bound 20th Century Limited as Kim eases into a seat.

Kim Novak, 1956

Leonard McCombe The LIFE Images Collection/Shutterstock

In a Beverly Hills Restaurant Kim Novak sits with a faraway look as agents Al and Wilt Melnick hotly discuss her blossoming movie career.

In a Beverly Hills Restaurant Kim Novak sat with a faraway look as agents Al and Wilt Melnick hotly discussed her blossoming movie career.

Leonard McCombe The LIFE Images Collection/Shutterstock

Worlds away, Kim listens to crystal gazer Zaza in Armando's in New York. Kim refuses to believe any bad omens. ZaZa's prophecies were all good.

Kim listened to crystal gazer Zaza in Armando’s in New York.

Leonard McCombe The LIFE Images Collection/Shutterstock

Overcome, Kim flees in bitter frustration to her TV studio dressing room where she angrily flings a vase of flowers to the floor and sobs in abandon to a rose she destroys: 'I'm tearing this flower apart like I'm destroying my life.' As she often does, she later turned the episode into a little poem.

Novak fled in bitter frustration to her dressing room over her assigned role on The Ed Sullivan Show, where she angrily flung a vase of flowers to the floor and sobbed in abandon to a rose she destroyed: “I’m tearing this flower apart like I’m destroying my life.” As she often did, she later turned the episode into a little poem.

Leonard McCombe The LIFE Images Collection/Shutterstock

Composed at last and given lines she wanted, smoldering Kim smooths down the revealing dress ... and prepares to go on the air

Composed and given lines she wanted, Novak smoothed her dress as she prepared to go on The Ed Sullivan Show.

Leonard McCombe The LIFE Images Collection/Shutterstock

Family dinner at the Novaks' in Chicago is joined by Kim who stopped off for a rushed visit on her way east. Seated (from left around table) beneath portraits of Kim are mother, brother-in-law Bill Malmborg, childhood friend Barbara Mellon, father, older sister Arlene and her Aunt Mildred.

Novak stopped in a for a family dinner in Chicago while on her way east. Seated (from left around table) beneath portraits of Kim were her mother, brother-in-law Bill Malmborg, childhood friend Barbara Mellon, her father, older sister Arlene and her Aunt Mildred.

Leonard McCombe The LIFE Images Collection/Shutterstock

Learning to shine, Kim falls unconsciously into role of oldtime movie queen while trying on $12,500 mink rented by studio designer Jean Louis.

Novak tried on $12,500 mink rented by studio designer Jean Louis.

Leonard McCombe The LIFE Images Collection/Shutterstock

A rare laugh from somber Kim greets joke by Otto Preminger who visits Kim while she is in New York. She has great fondness and respect for Preminger, who directed her in United Artists' Man With the Golden Arm and put her genuinely at ease.

A rare laugh from somber Kim Novak greeted a joke by Otto Preminger, who visited Kim while she was in New York. She had great fondness and respect for Preminger, who directed her in The Man With the Golden Arm and put her genuinely at ease.

Leonard McCombe The LIFE Images Collection/Shutterstock

Long, glum goodbye to Mack Krim precedes trip east. A theater owner, Krim is her constant escort in Hollywood. Kim puts off the question of whether or not she is in love with him. Echoing rising young actresses before her, she says she must fulfill herself as an actress before she gets married.

A long, glum goodbye to Mack Krim preceded the trip east. A theater owner, Krim was her constant escort in Hollywood. At the time of the story Kim put off the question of whether or not she is in love with him, saying she wanted to fulfill herself as an actress before getting married.

Leonard McCombe The LIFE Images Collection/Shutterstock

Life Magazine cover March 5, 1956

Life Magazine cover, March 5, 1956

Leonard McCombe The LIFE Images Collection/Shutterstock

LIFE magazine, March 5, 1956.

LIFE magazine, March 5, 1956.

LIFE magazine, March 5, 1956.

LIFE magazine, March 5, 1956.

LIFE magazine, March 5, 1956.

LIFE magazine, March 5, 1956.

LIFE magazine, March 5, 1956.

LIFE magazine, March 5, 1956.

LIFE magazine, March 5, 1956.

LIFE magazine, March 5, 1956.

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