At Home With Tippi Hedren, Melanie Griffith and a 400-Pound Lion

Tippi Hedren, perhaps most famous for her role in Alfred Hitchcock’s The Birds, is an actress of formidable gifts. Hitch said, when directing her in that classic film, that Hedren had “a faster tempo, city glibness, more humor [than another frequent Hitchcock heroine, Grace Kelly]. She displayed jaunty assuredness . . . and she memorized and read lines extraordinarily well.”

But her role as an animal-rights activist and conservationist might well be Hedren’s most lasting legacy. For decades, her Roar Foundation and the animal sanctuary, Shambala Preserve, in California have advocated for big (and not so big) cats from lions and leopards to bobcats and servals and she’s been honored with a host of humanitarian and conservation awards through the decades.

In 1971, LIFE photographer Michael Rougier spent time with Hedren; her teenage daughter, Melanie Griffith (from Hedren’s first marriage, to Peter Griffith), her then-husband, the agent and movie producer, Noel Marshall; and others at their home in California. Also in attendance: Neil, a 400-pound mature lion, who occasionally slept in the same bed as Griffith and, as these pictures attest, had the run of the house, from the kitchen to the living room to the swimming pool.

Hedren has since acknowledged that it was “stupid beyond belief” to put her family at risk by allowing an animal with “no conscience or remorse genes” to roam free. On that, at least, we can all agree even if these pictures make Neil look like the world’s biggest pussycat.

Tippi Hedren in her swimming pool, spouting water at Neil the lion, Calif., 1971.

Tippi Hedren’s Pet Lion Neil

Michael Rougier / The LIFE Picture Collection/Shutterstock

Tippi Hedren's daughter, Melanie Griffith, with Neil the lion.

Melanie Griffith and Neil the Lion

Michael Rougier / The LIFE Picture Collection/Shutterstock

Melanie Griffith at her parents' home with Neil the lion, 1971.

Tippi Hedren’s Pet Lion Neil

Michael Rougier / The LIFE Picture Collection/Shutterstock

Neil the lion plays with a child, Calif., 1971.

Neil the lion

Michael Rougier / The LIFE Picture Collection/Shutterstock

Tippi Hedren and Neil the lion, 1971.

Tippi Hedren and Neil the Lion

Michael Rougier / The LIFE Picture Collection/Shutterstock

Tippi Hedren and Neil the lion, 1971.

Tippi Hedren and Neil the Lion

Michael Rougier / The LIFE Picture Collection/Shutterstock

Tippi Hedren reading a newspaper beside Neil the pet Lion, in her California home.

Tippi Hedren and Neil the Lion

Michael Rougier / The LIFE Picture Collection/Shutterstock

Tippi Hedren wrestling her pet lion, 1971.

Tippi Hedren and Neil the Lion

Michael Rougier / The LIFE Picture Collection/Shutterstock

Noel Marshall (husband of Tippi Hedren) works in his study while Neil the pet lion roars, 1971.

Noel Marshall and Neil the Lion

Michael Rougier / The LIFE Picture Collection/Shutterstock

Noel Marshall (husband of Tippi Hedren) with Neil the pet lion, 1971.

Noel Marshall and Neil the Lion

Michael Rougier / The LIFE Picture Collection/Shutterstock

Tippi Hedren’s Pet Lion Neil

Michael Rougier / The LIFE Picture Collection/Shutterstock

Tippi Hedren at home with Neil the lion, Calif., 1971.

Tippi Hedren and Neil the Lion

Michael Rougier / The LIFE Picture Collection/Shutterstock

A cleaning woman steps over Neil the lion in the home of Tippi Hedren and Noel Marshall, 1971.

Neil the lion

Michael Rougier / The LIFE Picture Collection/Shutterstock

Tippi Hedren at home with Neil the lion, Calif., 1971.

Tippi Hedren and Neil the Lion

Michael Rougier / The LIFE Picture Collection/Shutterstock

Melanie Griffith in bed with Neil the lion, 1971.

Melanie Griffith and Neil the Lion

Michael Rougier / The LIFE Picture Collection/Shutterstock

Melanie Griffith in bed with Neil the lion, 1971.

Melanie Griffith and Neil the Lion

Michael Rougier / The LIFE Picture Collection/Shutterstock

‘Animals Make a Hospital Happy’: Classic Photos of Critters Helping Kids

In November 1956, LIFE magazine published an article with the deceptively lighthearted title, “Animals Make a Hospital Happy.” Noting that children, especially, are acutely aware of “how depressing it is to be in a hospital . . . the University of Michigan’s hospital at Ann Arbor runs a perpetual animal show which is enjoyed by the 3,000 children who pass annually thought its wards.”

Today, animal-assisted therapy is common in hospitals, nursing homes, rehab clinics and other places where the pain and solitude that so often come with illness and the stress associated with recovering from injuries or sickness can be almost paralyzing. Whether or not spending time with animals can actually help spark long-lasting improvements in mental health is an open, and controversial, question. But anecdotal evidence suggests that patients offered the opportunity to play with and otherwise interact with animals appear to be more optimistic about their prospects for recovery, while certain animals (especially social animals, like dogs) can often help decrease the sense of isolation and loneliness that so often plagues those stuck in hospitals for long periods of time.

As the LIFE article put it, “for hurrying a child out of the sickbed, the Ann Arbor hospital has found that nothing can match a youngster’s natural fascination with animals.”

Here, in fond tribute to the critters among us, shares photos from that long-ago article, as well as many more that never ran in LIFE.

Liz Ronk edited this gallery for Follow her on Twitter at @LizabethRonk.

Scene at University of Michigan's hospital at Ann Arbor, 1956.

Coati Mundi, a raccoon-like animal, cavorted on a wire above the heads of young patients and teachers in Ann Arbor,; on the table were a calf and a pig.

Francis Miller The LIFE Picture Collection/Shutterstock

Scene at University of Michigan's hospital at Ann Arbor, 1956.

Dinner for ducklings was eagerly handed out by children crowding around a pool set up on hospital sun deck. The ducklings were lent by an Ann Arbor farmer.

Francis Miller The LIFE Picture Collection/Shutterstock

Scene at University of Michigan's hospital at Ann Arbor, 1956.

Three-year-old Peggy Kennedy enjoyed these ducklings paddling around in a tub. Peggy, a polio patient, wore a plastic chest respirator.

Francis Miller The LIFE Picture Collection/Shutterstock

Scene at University of Michigan's hospital at Ann Arbor, 1956.

Scene at University of Michigan’s hospital at Ann Arbor, 1956.

Francis Miller The LIFE Picture Collection/Shutterstock

Scene at University of Michigan's hospital at Ann Arbor, 1956.

A bath for this piglet occupied Patricia Cebelak (left), 8, who had a food allergy, and Linda Fox, 4, who had a lung ailment. Two teachers lent a helping hand.

Francis Miller The LIFE Picture Collection/Shutterstock

Scene at University of Michigan's hospital at Ann Arbor, 1956.

A dolled-up rabbit, with ears poked through a dress, toured the sun deck in a baby buggy pushed by Linda Fox. Pat Cebelak followed with a beagle pup.

Francis Miller The LIFE Picture Collection/Shutterstock

Scene at University of Michigan's hospital at Ann Arbor, 1956.

Tempting a coati, Marc Tannenbaum offered the animal a drop of perfume. The animal had a curious way of taking perfume on its paw and rubbing it on its tail.

Francis Miller The LIFE Picture Collection/Shutterstock

Scene at University of Michigan's hospital at Ann Arbor, 1956.

Canine comfort was offered Buddy Berlin, whose left leg was paralyzed, by Ginger, a beagle pup. At bedside was the hospital’s school director, Mildred Walton.

Francis Miller The LIFE Picture Collection/Shutterstock

Two children play with kittens at the University of Michigan's hospital at Ann Arbor, 1956.

Two children played with kittens at the University of Michigan’s hospital at Ann Arbor, 1956.

Francis Miller The LIFE Picture Collection/Shutterstock

Scene at University of Michigan's hospital at Ann Arbor, 1956.

Scene at University of Michigan’s hospital at Ann Arbor, 1956.

Francis Miller The LIFE Picture Collection/Shutterstock

Scene at University of Michigan's hospital at Ann Arbor, 1956.

Cuddling with a towel-wrapped baby duck was one of the hospital’s methods of using therapy with animals.

Francis Miller The LIFE Picture Collection/Shutterstock

Scene at University of Michigan's hospital at Ann Arbor, 1956.

Scene at University of Michigan’s hospital at Ann Arbor, 1956.

Francis Miller The LIFE Picture Collection/Shutterstock

Scene at University of Michigan's hospital at Ann Arbor, 1956.

Scene at University of Michigan’s hospital at Ann Arbor, 1956.

Francis Miller The LIFE Picture Collection/Shutterstock

Scene at University of Michigan's hospital at Ann Arbor, 1956.

Scene at University of Michigan’s hospital at Ann Arbor, 1956.

Francis Miller The LIFE Picture Collection/Shutterstock

Scene at University of Michigan's hospital at Ann Arbor, 1956.

Scene at University of Michigan’s hospital at Ann Arbor, 1956.

Francis Miller The LIFE Picture Collection/Shutterstock

A child shines a flash light on a jar with a turtle inside at the University of Michigan's hospital at Ann Arbor, 1956.

A child shined a flash light on a jar with a turtle inside at the University of Michigan’s hospital at Ann Arbor, 1956.

Francis Miller The LIFE Picture Collection/Shutterstock

Taylor and Clift: Photos From the Set of ‘A Place in the Sun’

In the rife, overstuffed annals of Hollywood, few real-life love stories can match that of Liz Taylor and Montgomery Clift. That Clift was gay made little difference in the intensity and duration of the two stars’ adoration of one another: here, after all, were two talented, passionate artists who met at a young age (she was in her teens; he was in his late twenties) and immediately discovered that they were, for lack of a better phrase, soul mates.

By the time they shared the screen together for the first time, in the classic murder-romance-melodrama, A Place in the Sun (1951), both were bona fide box-office draws: Taylor had been onscreen since she was 10, and Clift a soulful, introverted Method actor who influenced countless others who came after him had already garnered the first of his four career Oscar nominations. (He never won an Academy Award, although most movie aficionados feel he deserved at least one, for his unforgettable turn as the tortured Robert E. Lee Prewitt in From Here to Eternity.)

Their unique bond so evident in these pictures made on the Paramount lot during filming of A Place in the Sun, and never published in LIFE, was occasionally deepened even further by disasters visited upon them both through the years. For example, in 1956 Taylor likely saved Clift’s life when, after he crashed his car leaving a party at her home, she raced to the wreck and literally pulled from his mouth broken teeth on which he had begun to choke.

(The Clash famously referenced that awful scene, which changed the course of Clift’s career and set him on a winding path of booze-and-painkiller-fueled decay, in the song “The Right Profile” from London Calling: “I see a car smashed at night. / Cut the applause and dim the light. / Monty’s face is broken on a wheel. / Is he alive? Can he still feel?”)

[Buy the LIFE book, Remembering Liz]

In its May 28, 1951, issue, meanwhile, LIFE magazine wrote of A Place in the Sun:

It is easy for an ambitious young man to get himself involved simultaneously with a simple-hearted girl who lives in a cheap boarding house and an extravagant rich girl who gives gay parties. In 1925 Theodore Dreiser [told such a tale in his] long, oppressively powerful novel, “An American Tragedy,” which in turn made only a fair movie in 1931. This year the young man . . . is the hero of a long, oppressively powerful movie called “A Place in the Sun.” Directed by George Stevens for Paramount, it gives three young actors [Shelley Winters brilliantly played the ‘poor girl’] the chance to give the most natural performances of their careers. Montgomery Clift as the confused, likable, rather stupid social climber; Shelley Winters as the dowdy working girl; Elizabeth Taylor as the dazzling rich girl. Until it sinks into a sentimental quagmire the end, the second movie excels first in being remarkably faithful to Dreiser’s tale of three pitiful youngsters and in telling the story with the same earnestness and breadth that have made the novel survive as a classic.

While they may not make old-timers forget the Greta Garbo-John Gilbert embraces of the ’20s, Miss Taylor and Mr. Clift lose no chance to show why they are considered two of the hottest juveniles in Hollywood. . . . In fact, after the lovers have been separated for good and the young man is in the death house [Clift’s character murders Winters’ after getting her pregnant], the face of the girl comes floating in via double exposure to give him a last unsubstantial peck before he goes out to be executed.

The film went on to win six Academy Awards, including Best Director and Best Screenplay, and is now hailed as a (flawed) classic. Clift and Taylor would star again in another 1950s film, the Civil War-era drama, Raintree County—the movie they were making when Clift almost died in the car wreck outside Taylor’s home—and would remain deeply attached to one another until Clift’s death, at the too-young age of 45, in New York City in 1966.

Liz Ronk edited this gallery for Follow her on Twitter @lizabethronk.

Elizabeth Taylor (all of 17 years old) and Montgomery Clift pose together at Paramount Studios during a break in filming A Place in the Sun.

Elizabeth Taylor (all of 17 years old) and Montgomery Clift posed together at Paramount Studios during a break in filming A Place in the Sun.

Peter Stackpole The LIFE Picture Collection/Shutterstock

Contact sheets from LIFE photographer Peter Stackpole's shoot on a Paramount lot with Elizabeth Taylor and Montgomery Clift in 1950.

Contact sheets from LIFE photographer Peter Stackpole’s shoot on a Paramount lot with Elizabeth Taylor and Montgomery Clift in 1950.

Peter Stackpole The LIFE Picture Collection/Shutterstock

Elizabeth Taylor and Montgomery Clift, Hollywood, 1950.

Elizabeth Taylor and Montgomery Clift, Hollywood, 1950.

Peter Stackpole The LIFE Picture Collection/Shutterstock

Elizabeth Taylor and Montgomery Clift, Hollywood, 1950.

Elizabeth Taylor and Montgomery Clift, Hollywood, 1950.

Peter Stackpole The LIFE Picture Collection/Shutterstock

Elizabeth Taylor and Montgomery Clift goof around during a break in filming A Place in the Sun.

Elizabeth Taylor and Montgomery Clift goofed around during a break in filming A Place in the Sun.

Peter Stackpole The LIFE Picture Collection/Shutterstock

Contact sheet from LIFE photographer Peter Stackpole's shoot with Elizabeth Taylor and Montgomery Clift in 1950.

Contact sheet from LIFE photographer Peter Stackpole’s shoot with Elizabeth Taylor and Montgomery Clift in 1950.

Peter Stackpole The LIFE Picture Collection/Shutterstock

Elizabeth Taylor at Paramount Studios, 1950.

Elizabeth Taylor at Paramount Studios, 1950.

Peter Stackpole The LIFE Picture Collection/Shutterstock

Contact sheet from LIFE photographer Peter Stackpole's shoot on a Paramount lot with Elizabeth Taylor and Montgomery Clift in 1950.

Contact sheet from LIFE photographer Peter Stackpole’s shoot on a Paramount lot with Elizabeth Taylor and Montgomery Clift in 1950.

Peter Stackpole The LIFE Picture Collection/Shutterstock

Elizabeth Taylor and Montgomery Clift, Hollywood, 1950.

Elizabeth Taylor and Montgomery Clift, Hollywood, 1950.

Peter Stackpole The LIFE Picture Collection/Shutterstock

Elizabeth Taylor and Montgomery Clift, Hollywood, 1950.

Elizabeth Taylor and Montgomery Clift, Hollywood, 1950.

Peter Stackpole The LIFE Picture Collection/Shutterstock

Contact sheet from LIFE photographer Peter Stackpole's shoot on a Paramount lot with Elizabeth Taylor and Montgomery Clift in 1950.

Contact sheet from LIFE photographer Peter Stackpole’s shoot on a Paramount lot with Elizabeth Taylor and Montgomery Clift in 1950.

Peter Stackpole The LIFE Picture Collection/Shutterstock

Elizabeth Taylor and Montgomery Clift, Hollywood, 1950.

Elizabeth Taylor and Montgomery Clift, Hollywood, 1950.

Peter Stackpole The LIFE Picture Collection/Shutterstock

The Haunts of Famous American Ghosts

This October 31st costumed kids and a good number of grown-ups will be fanning out across neighborhoods and going to parties in cities and towns all over the world. The creatures and characters on display will range from the topical (covid, anyone?) to the classic (ghouls, pirates, witches, superheroes, zombies).

But no single emblem captures the spirit of the holiday quite as neatly as that old stand-by: a ghost.

Way back in 1957, in an article titled “American Ghostly Legends,” LIFE magazine paid spooky tribute to some of the country’s most celebrated ghosts and ghost stories. The magazine’s editors introduced the elaborate, multi-page feature thus:

The native ghosts of the U.S. are less famous than their Old World, other-world counterparts. But there are a surprising number of them and they make up a colorful and diverse group.

Most American ghosts were born in the simpler past of colonial or frontier days. Even in today’s scientific age their stories, like the ghosts themselves, die hard. From the annals of unearthly Americana, nine of the most fascinating stories were selected [for this feature]. At their sites photographer Nina Leen caught the haunting and haunted atmosphere which might make any man, having heard the creaks and seen the eerie moving lights and shadows, believe that ghosts still walk.

Here, on Halloween a six full decades after it first published, recalls “American Ghostly Legends” with a gallery of Nina Leen‘s striking color pictures, as well as reproductions of the article’s pages as they ran in LIFE.

Finally, it’s worth noting that Leen’s work while perhaps rather staid when compared with the filters and effects available via Instagram, Photoshop and other modern media was impressive enough at the time to win first prize for Magazine Color Story in a 1958 contest sponsored by Encyclopaedia Britannica, the National Press Photographers Association and the University of Missouri School of Journalism.

Westover, a mansion on the James River in Virginia, said to be haunted by a woman who died of a broken heart in the 18th century.

Ghostly American Legends

Nina Leen Time & Life Pictures/Shutterstock

"The Baldwin Lights" are said to appear near railroad tracks in North Carolina, not far from where a train conductor was decapitated in 1867.

Ghostly American Legends

Nina Leen Time & Life Pictures/Shutterstock

The ghost of Harriet Douglas Cruger is said to haunt her former home in Herkimer County, New York.

Ghostly American Legends

Nina Leen Time & Life Pictures/Shutterstock

Mrs. Theodore Douglas Robinson, Harriet Cruger's great-grandniece, plays a piano in the reportedly haunted house.

Ghostly American Legends

Nina Leen Time & Life Pictures/Shutterstock

The stairwell in the Octagon House in Washington, down which a lovelorn girl is said to have plunged to her death sometime in the 19th century.

Ghostly American Legends

Nina Leen Time & Life Pictures/Shutterstock

A white horse was said to appear each time someone died at Cliff House, near hendersonville, North Carolina.

Ghostly American Legends

Nina Leen Time & Life Pictures/Shutterstock

The Bell Witch of Tennessee had only one aim in the afterlife: to haunt and harass a prosperous farmer named John Bell and his daughter Betsy.

Ghostly American Legends

Nina Leen Time & Life Pictures/Shutterstock

The Bell Witch of Tennessee was said to have appeared to Betsy Bell near a tree like this one, warning Betsy not to marry the man she loved.

Ghostly American Legends

Nina Leen Time & Life Pictures/Shutterstock

A house in Henniker, N.H., said to be haunted by a red-haired woman named Mary who died in 1814.

Ghostly American Legends

Nina Leen Time & Life Pictures/Shutterstock

A house in Henniker, N.H., said to be haunted by a red-haired woman named Mary who died in 1814.

Ghostly American Legends

Nina Leen Time & Life Pictures/Shutterstock

A house in Hadley, Mass., said to be haunted by Elizabeth Porter, dead for more than 200 years. This four-poster bed reportedly often "shows the impress of her frail body."

Ghostly American Legends

Nina Leen Time & Life Pictures/Shutterstock

In a house in Hadley, Mass., the whirring of long-dead Elizabeth Porter's spinning wheel is often heard toward dawn.

Ghostly American Legends

Nina Leen Time & Life Pictures/Shutterstock

A garden at Union College in Schenectady, N.Y., is said to be the site of a 17th-century murder of a young man by a father who forbade his daughter to see the lad. The father and daughter, caught by townspeople while they were trying to feel the scene of the crime, were both burned to death.

Ghostly American Legends

Nina Leen Time & Life Pictures/Shutterstock

When the moon is full, the ghost of a young woman burned to death centuries before is said to haunt a garden at Union College in Schenectady, N.Y., "and in the air can be sensed a pungent, lingering smell of smoke."

Ghostly American Legends

Nina Leen Time & Life Pictures/Shutterstock

Photo made for the article, "Ghostly American Legends," LIFE, Oct. 28, 1957.

Ghostly American Legends

Nina Leen Time & Life Pictures/Shutterstock

LIFE magazine, October 28, 1957.

Ghostly American Legends

LIFE Magazine

LIFE magazine, October 28, 1957.

Ghostly American Legends

LIFE Magazine

LIFE magazine, October 28, 1957.

Ghostly American Legends

LIFE Magazine

LIFE magazine, October 28, 1957.

Ghostly American Legends

LIFE Magazine

LIFE magazine, October 28, 1957.

Ghostly American Legends

LIFE Magazine

LIFE magazine, October 28, 1957.

Ghostly American Legends

LIFE Magazine

The Many Sides of Lucille Ball

Sure, we all loved Lucy, but which one? The rubber-faced Lucy Ricardo of her classic TV sitcom, I Love Lucy? That goes without saying. But what about Lucille, the struggling but determined Hollywood starlet who spent two decades lingering in B-movie purgatory? Or the powerful Ms. Ball, the behind-the scenes TV pioneer and the medium’s first major female executive?

Truth is, Lucille Ball lived several fascinating lifetimes, many of them captured by LIFE’s photographers on her way up the showbiz ladder. She was the vice president of Desilu Productions, making her television’s first female mogul. The strain of running a business with her husband and longtime onscreen foil, Desi Arnaz, and Desi’s drinking ultimately doomed the partnership. The couple divorced in 1960, and Ball bought Arnaz out of the business in 1963. Lucy went on to star without Desi in hit sitcoms The Lucy Show (1962-68) and Here’s Lucy (1968-74). Desilu, meanwhile, remained a prolific producer of classic 1960s shows like The Untouchables, Mission: Impossible and Star Trek.

Here, presents photos—none of which ever ran in LIFE—of Lucille Ball, including a surprisingly sultry 1942 portrait (slide #1) by John Florea, made when Ball was known as “Queen of the B’s” for the string of sub-par films that had failed to make her a star. Years of dues-paying hard work are apparent in her eyes. And yet, there is something sweetly defiant, too, about her look: a sense that, with a little luck, her big break is just around the corner.

Man, was it ever.

Liz Ronk edited this gallery for Follow her on Twitter at @LizabethRonk.

Lucille Ball, 1942. An outtake from John Florea's 1942 photo essay on Ball, which touted her as being on the brink of fame after a decade of kicking around Hollywood.

Lucille Ball, 1942. An outtake from John Florea’s 1942 photo essay on Ball, which touted her as being on the brink of fame after a decade of kicking around Hollywood.

John Florea The LIFE Picture Collection/Shutterstock

Lucille Ball, 1942.

Lucille Ball, 1942

John Florea The LIFE Picture Collection/Shutterstock

Lucille Ball in costume for the extravagant dream sequence set in 18th-century France at the center of DuBarry Was a Lady, 1943.

Lucille Ball in costume for the extravagant dream sequence set in 18th-century France at the center of DuBarry Was a Lady, 1943.

Walter Sanders The LIFE Picture Collection/Shutterstock

Lucille Ball plays upon her modeling past for Lured, a comic thriller in which she starred as a woman who agrees to pose as bait for a serial killer, 1946.

Lucille Ball plays upon her modeling past for Lured, a comic thriller in which she starred as a woman who agrees to pose as bait for a serial killer, 1946.

Bob Landry The LIFE Picture Collection/Shutterstock

Lucille Ball signs autographs for admiring seamen at one of the January 1944 galas celebrating President Franklin D. Roosevelt's 62nd birthday.

Lucille Ball signs autographs for admiring seamen at one of the January 1944 galas celebrating President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s 62nd birthday.

Thomas D. McAvoy The LIFE Picture Collection/Shutterstock

Lucille Ball performs at one of the gala balls in Washington marking President Franklin D. Roosevelt's birthday in January 1944.

Lucille Ball performs at one of the gala balls in Washington marking President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s birthday in January 1944.

Thomas D. McAvoy The LIFE Picture Collection/Shutterstock

Lucille Ball, 1944.

Lucille Ball, 1944

Thomas D. McAvoy The LIFE Picture Collection/Shutterstock

Lucille Ball has her hair done, 1944.

Lucille Ball, 1944

Thomas D. McAvoy The LIFE Picture Collection/Shutterstock

Lucille Ball

Lucille Ball, 1944

Thomas D. McAvoy The LIFE Picture Collection/Shutterstock

Lucille Ball, 1944.

Lucille Ball, 1944

Thomas D. McAvoy The LIFE Picture Collection/Shutterstock

In 1958, on the set of The Lucy-Desi Comedy Hour, a collection of occasional, lavish specials that followed the adventures of the Ricardos and the Mertzes after I Love Lucy -- Lucille Ball does a comedy bit as a wisecracking clerk.

In 1958, on the set of The Lucy-Desi Comedy Hour a collection of occasional, lavish specials that followed the adventures of the Ricardos and the Mertzes after I Love Lucy.

Leonard McCombe The LIFE Picture Collection/Shutterstock

Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz

The RKO studio lot was where Lucille Ball met Desi Arnaz, when they co-starred in the 1940 musical Too Many Girls. Here, in a rare color photo from his 1958 spread on the launch of Desilu Studios, LIFE’s Leonard McCombe catches the couple as they ponder their risky new venture.

Leonard McCombe The LIFE Picture Collection/Shutterstock

Lucille Ball is a calm eye at the center of a storm of activity at her new Desllu Studios, 1958.

Lucille Ball is a calm eye at the center of a storm of activity at her new Desllu Studios, 1958.

Leonard McCombe The LIFE Picture Collection/Shutterstock

Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz

Desi Arnaz embraces Lucille Ball at the new home of their TV production empire, Desilu Studios, in 1958.

Leonard McCombe The LIFE Picture Collection/Shutterstock

Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz

Desi Arnaz and Lucille Ball strike familiar poses as they survey their new empire, the Desilu Studios, in 1958.

Leonard McCombe The LIFE Picture Collection/Shutterstock

Lucille Ball plays a matador, 1958

Lucille Ball plays a matador, 1958

Leonard McCombe The LIFE Picture Collection/Shutterstock

Desi Arnaz and Lucille Ball, 1958.

Desi Arnaz and Lucille Ball, 1958

Leonard McCombe The LIFE Picture Collection/Shutterstock

Ali, Frazier and the ‘Fight of the Century’

After refusing to register for the draft in 1967 — at the very height of his career — 25-year-old Muhammad Ali was stripped of his heavyweight championship title and endured a forced layoff from the ring for three years. In 1971, after winning the appeal of his conviction and five-year prison sentence before the U.S. Supreme Court, the former champ returned to boxing, fighting a few bouts against lesser (albeit ranked) rivals before facing the title-holder, Philadelphia’s “Smokin’ Joe” Frazier.

Long before the first bell sounded at  their March 1971 fight, that bout had been billed as “The Fight of the Century” and, amazingly, it lived up to the hype. That night, a star-studded crowd watched two of the greatest boxers who ever lived battle for supremacy in the world’s premier sports arena.

Frazier had earned the heavyweight belt a year earlier. “I often felt bad for Joe,” photographer John Shearer, who died in 2017, once said, recalling the weeks and months he spent with both fighters before the bout at New York’s Madison Square Garden. “He was completely miscast as the bad guy in the fight. In so many of the pictures I made of him that winter, when he’s with friends and relaxed, there’s something genuinely charming there but something in his face suggests that if you scratched the surface, you’d find a world of other feelings.”

“The pictures I made of Ali training in Chris Dundee’s Miami Beach gym, meanwhile, are incredibly revealing in another way,” Shearer said, “not least because you can see that Ali had a belly. And this is not all that long before the fight. He just wasn’t in the kind of shape he needed to be in to battle a warrior like Joe Frazier.”

Many of Shearer’s photos of Frazier, including several in this gallery, make the clear case that Frazier simply wanted the title more than Ali. He was fighting, scratching and clawing for it long before the two men stepped into the ring.

“When I see the pictures I made of Joe running by himself, for example,” Shearer says, “the one thing that strikes me, maybe even more now than when I was making the photos, is his discipline. He was training, training, training. He was driven. And in many ways, he was a man alone.”

“That fight was the last time Ali took Joe for granted,” Shearer says. “I wonder if, deep down, he hit a point in Miami where he looked for that fire, that drive, and it just wasn’t there. You know you want to fight, you want to hold that title belt again, but you can’t make yourself run those extra few miles at five in the morning, or spar for twenty more minutes every single day.”

Another aspect of Frazier that Shearer captured before the title belt was his creative self. Frazier was a singer and a performer, with his own band and with his own backup singers, the Knockouts. The truth is, he wasn’t bad.

“The two places Frazier communicates best,” wrote LIFE’s Thomas Thompson in a March 1971 cover story for the magazine, “are in the ring, when a cloak of menace and fury drops over him, and on a nightclub stage, where he sings with strength and sincerity.”

“The image of Frazier remained, unfairly and for the longest time, that he was just another fighter,” says Shearer. “That he was just another guy with his nose pushed off to the side of his face. But he felt, strongly, that he was every bit as articulate as Ali and, as importantly, perhaps, that he was every bit the showman that Ali was.”

As for the bout itself, one of the key factors that ratcheted up the rhetoric was the record purse offered both fighters. As LIFE observed in its March 5, 1971 issue: “[Ali] and Frazier are both going to get $2.5 million the morning after the fight whether anybody comes or not. A flat $2.5 million. Guaranteed. The most money ever paid to any man for a maximum 45 minutes’ work.”

“It was electric in the Garden the night of the fight,” Shearer remembers. “It was the night of the great showdown between the era’s two gladiators, and there was a sense that the unprecedented hype for the fight might actually fall short of the reality. And, remember, without a doubt it was a very, very pro-Ali crowd. They all came to see him win, to see him destroy Joe Frazier.”

That’s not the way it worked out. The relentless, punishing Frazier stalked and pummeled Ali all night, and in the 15th and final round floored him, for only the third time in Ali’s career, with an absolutely titanic left hook. Ali got back on his feet quickly, but the damage, literally and figuratively, had been done. Frazier won by unanimous decision, and held on to the crown until losing it in spectacular fashion to George Foreman two years later, in 1973.

“Frazier didn’t fight by going for the head, the way a lot of other boxers did against Ali,” Shearer remembers. “He went after Ali’s body the whole fight, pounding away, taking terrible blows to the head himself. You know, you keep whacking at the base of the tree, and the tree is going to come down. And that’s what happened. That’s really the story of that first, unforgettable fight between those two great champions.”

gallery by Liz Ronk

Ali, Frazier and the Fight of the Century

Muhammad Ali with the press during a pre-fight weigh-in at Madison Square Garden in March 1971.

John Shearer/ Life Pictures/Shutterstock

Ali, Frazier and the Fight of the Century

Muhammad Ali, Miami Beach, Florida, 1971.

John Shearer/Life Pictures/Shutterstock

Ali, Frazier and the Fight of the Century

Joe Frazier during a break in training before his March 1971 title bout against Muhammad Ali.

John Shearer/Life Pictures/Shutterstock

Ali, Frazier and the Fight of the Century

Muhammad Ali in 1971.

John Shearer/Life Pictures/Shutterstock

Ali, Frazier and the Fight of the Century

Muhammad Ali, Miami Beach, Florida, 1971.

John Shearer/Life Pictures/Shutterstock

Ali, Frazier and the Fight of the Century

Muhammad Ali took a break during training in Miami Beach in 1971.

John Shearer/Life Pictures/Shutterstock

Ali, Frazier and the Fight of the Century

Muhammad Ali (rear), Miami Beach, Florida, 1971.

John Shearer/Life Pictures/Shutterstock

Ali, Frazier and the Fight of the Century

Muhammad Ali, Miami Beach, Florida, 1971.

John Shearer/Life Pictures/Shutterstock

Ali, Frazier and the Fight of the Century

Muhammad Ali, along with light heavyweight José Torres (in suit) and others, watched the action at boxing promoter Chris Dundee’s gym in Miami Beach in February 1971.

John Shearer/Life Pictures/Shutterstock

Ali, Frazier and the Fight of the Century

Muhammad Ali taunted rival Joe Frazier at Frazier’s training camp in Philadelphia, 1971.

John Shearer/Life Pictures/Shutterstock

Ali, Frazier and the Fight of the Century

Fans at Joe Frazier’s training headquarters in Philadelphia in 1971.

John Shearer/Life Pictures/Shutterstock

Ali, Frazier and the Fight of the Century

Joe Frazier in training, 1971.

John Shearer/Life Pictures/Shutterstock

Ali, Frazier and the Fight of the Century

Joe Frazier in 1971.

John Shearer/Life Pictures/Shutterstock

Ali, Frazier and the Fight of the Century

Joe Frazier, rear, trained for the title fight versus Ali.

John Shearer/Life Pictures/Shutterstock

Ali, Frazier and the Fight of the Century

Joe Frazier in rural Pennsylvania in the winter of 1971.

John Shearer/Life Pictures/Shutterstock

Ali, Frazier and the Fight of the Century

Muhammad Ali clowned in his new Cadillac limo in Miami, February 1971.

John Shearer/Life Pictures/Shutterstock

Ali, Frazier and the Fight of the Century

Muhammad Ali with fans in Miami Beach, February 1971.

John Shearer/Life Pictures/Shutterstock

Ali, Frazier and the Fight of the Century

Muhammad Ali drew a crowd when he playfully sparred with an unidentified man in the parking lot of a grocery store in Miami Beach in 1971.

John Shearer/Life Pictures/Shutterstock

Ali, Frazier and the Fight of the Century

A sign advertised a concert by Joe Frazier’s R&B act, Joe Frazier and His Knockouts.

John Shearer/Life Pictures/Shutterstock

Ali, Frazier and the Fight of the Century

Joe Frazier and the Knockouts performed in January 1971.

John Shearer/Life Pictures/Shutterstock

Ali, Frazier and the Fight of the Century

At 214 pounds three weeks before the fight, Frazier began drinking only orange juice for breakfast and skipping lunch to peel off five more pounds.

John Shearer/Life Pictures/Shutterstock

Ali, Frazier and the Fight of the Century

Joe Frazier backstage before an appearance with the Knockouts in 1971.

John Shearer/Life Pictures/Shutterstock

Ali, Frazier and the Fight of the Century

Joe Frazier in the recording studio, 1971.

John Shearer/Life Pictures/Shutterstock

Ali, Frazier and the Fight of the Century

Joe Frazier tested out a band member’s trumpet on the set of NBC’s “Kraft Music Hall” variety show in 1971.

John Shearer/Life Pictures/Shutterstock

Ali, Frazier and the Fight of the Century

Joe Frazier in the recording studio in 1971.

John Shearer/Life Pictures/Shutterstock

Ali, Frazier and the Fight of the Century

A ticket window at Madison Square Garden, the site of the March 8, 1971, heavyweight title bout.

John Shearer/Life Pictures/Shutterstock

Ali, Frazier and the Fight of the Century

A Muhammad Ali fan waited for the title bout to begin at Madison Square Garden in New York on March 8, 1971.

John Shearer/Life Pictures/Shutterstock

Ali, Frazier and the Fight of the Century

Jazz great Miles Davis (right) at Madison Square Garden, March 8, 1971.

John Shearer/Life Pictures/Shutterstock

Ali, Frazier and the Fight of the Century

Future heavyweight champ George Foreman gazed into John Shearer’s camera at Madison Square Garden on March 8, 1971.

John Shearer/Life Pictures/Shutterstock

Ali, Frazier and the Fight of the Century

Muhammad Ali with assistant trainer and corner man Bundini Brown, 1971.

John Shearer/Life Pictures/Shutterstock

Ali, Frazier and the Fight of the Century

Joe Frazier (left) and Muhammad Ali at Madison Square Garden during the “Fight of the Century” on March 8, 1971.

John Shearer/Life Pictures/Shutterstock

Ali, Frazier and the Fight of the Century

Joe Frazier lunged at Muhammad Ali during the fight.

John Shearer/Life Pictures/Shutterstock

Ali, Frazier and the Fight of the Century

Muhammad Ali and Joe Frazier rested in their corners between rounds at Madison Square Garden on March 8, 1971.

John Shearer/Life Pictures/Shutterstock

Ali, Frazier and the Fight of the Century

Heavyweight champ Joe Frazier celebrated his title bout victory over Muhammad Ali at Madison Square Garden, March 8, 1971.

John Shearer/Life Pictures/Shutterstock

Ali, Frazier and the Fight of the Century

Joe Frazier, pictured in his dressing room after defeating Muhammad Ali on March 8, 1971.

John Shearer/Life Pictures/Shutterstock

Ali, Frazier and the Fight of the Century

Joe Frazier savored his heavyweight title bout victory over Muhammad Ali on March 8, 1971, in New York City.

John Shearer/Life Pictures/Shutterstock

LIFE magazine, March 5, 1971. Best viewed in "full screen" mode; see button at right.

LIFE magazine, March 5, 1971.

John Shearer—LIFE Magazine

LIFE magazine, March 5, 1971. Best viewed in "full screen" mode; see button at right.

LIFE magazine, March 5, 1971.

John Shearer—LIFE Magazine

LIFE magazine, March 5, 1971. Best viewed in "full screen" mode; see button at right.

LIFE magazine, March 5, 1971.

John Shearer—LIFE Magazine

LIFE magazine, March 5, 1971. Best viewed in "full screen" mode; see button at right.

LIFE magazine, March 5, 1971.

John Shearer—LIFE Magazine

LIFE magazine, March 5, 1971. Best viewed in "full screen" mode; see button at right.

LIFE magazine, March 5, 1971.

John Shearer—LIFE Magazine

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