LIFE magazine loved to cover the spring fashion shows in Paris. In 1968 the news coming in from France was that there was no news—or at least, no specific emerging trend about how high or low hemlines should be. “This season it’s a potpourri, not pronouncements,” read the headline of the story in the March 1, 1968 issue (which also happened to feature on its cover a major feature on artist Georgia O’Keeffe).

For LIFE photographer Bill Ray the lack of a specific trend to highlight gave him license to be creative in his coverage, and he delivered a stunning set of photos with a singular feel. It was as if the fashion houses couldn’t decide on a look, so Ray created his own—one that is both sleek and striking and with hints of punk rock culture, just as its earliest seeds were starting to take hold.

This set includes the works of such big-name designers as Pierre Cardin, Marc Bohan and Yves Saint Laurent. If you like this collection, here’s a look at LIFE’s coverage of another picturesque fashion week in 1951. Enjoy!

Danielle Sauvajeon modeled an Yves St. Laurent dress with a Spanish influence, 1968.

Bill Ray/Life Picture Collection/Shutterstock

Danielle Sauvajeon wore an Yves St. Laurent dress at a Paris fashion show in 1968.

Bill Ray/Life Picture Collection/Shutterstock

Danielle Sauvajeon modeled Yves St. Laurent’s evening Bermudas with schoolboy-size silk scarf, Paris, 1968.

Bill Ray/Life Picture Collection/Shutterstock

Sin-May Zao modeled a late day dress (left) and a evening dress (right) from Pierre Cardin in this composite photo that appeared in LIFE magazine, 1968.

Bill Ray/Life Picture Collection/Shutterstock

Sin-May Zao modeled a Pierre Cardin dress in Paris, 1968.

Bill Ray/Life Picture Collection/Shutterstock

Sin-May Zao modeled spring fashions in Paris, 1968.

Bill Ray/Life Picture Collection/Shutterstock

Sin-May Zao modeled a Pierre Cardin dress. Paris, 1968.

Bill Ray/Life Picture Collection/Shutterstock

Sin-May Zao modeled spring fashions in Paris, 1968.

Bill Ray/Life Picture Collection/Shutterstock

Prunelia showed off a 1930’s style look while modeling this dress by Marc Bohan of Dior, 1968.

Bill Ray/Life Picture Collection/Shutterstock

Prunelia modeled a Marc Bohan daytime suit in Paris, 1968.

Bill Ray/Life Picture Collection/Shutterstock

Prunelia modeled a chiffon evening dress by Marc Bohan of Dior in Paris, 1968.

Bill Ray/Life Picture Collection/Shutterstock

NIneteen-year-old model Agneta Bylander, who worked under the name Mouche, wore a dress of organza by Michel Goma with matching head scarf, Paris, 1968.

Bill Ray/Life Picture Collection/Shutterstock

Spring fashions from Paris, 1968.

Bill Ray/Life Picture Collection/Shutterstock

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